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Marital Status: Divorced

Age: 27

Hair: Brown

Type: Slender

Name: jerrodStebbins1978

Height: 5' 8"

City: Jersey, Virginia

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Marital Status: Divorced

Age: 31

Hair: Brown

Type: Heavyset

Name: heikkiEnloe

Height: 5' 8"

City: Jersey, Arkansas

We live a wife led marriage , she knows everything so no secrets or drama here. Great company, told I am handsome, fit for my age kind, friendly, respectful with a wicked naughty streak and 100% discrete, looking for a little extra fun from a mutually discrete lady with similar standards & requirements. Recently single, so not looking for anything serious. No attachments i dont want love, you dont need to cuddle me after..

Marital Status: Divorced

Age: 25

Hair: Blonde

Type: Athletic

Name: amaraLyng

Height: 5' 2"

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Ice cubes are my favorites. Have a South Jersey Picture Please no Lies No Drama no B.S. At 5' 5", and active life. Swingers who like slaves.

Marital Status: Married

Age: 33

Hair: Black

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Name: Bigmark3k

Height: 5' 3"

City: Jersey, Georgia

Want to have some? 33 from Melbourne's west, new to this site but have been swinging for a while now.

Marital Status: No Strings Attached

Age: 34

Hair: Blonde

Type: Athletic

Name: Bigbella74

Height: 5' 9"

City: Jersey, Georgia

So please be gentle with me..

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Marital Status: Divorced

Age: 45

Hair: Black

Type: Athletic

Name: Carmenjaye89

Height: 5' 2"

City: Jersey, Virginia

Tell me your thoughts, female or submissive. Someone in a similar situation. I would like to try some new kinky things! They/them New to Fort mac and looking for the queer community up here. I am a horny lady who is new to the Hotwife, Stag, Vixen, scene. Chat me up and let's meet.

Marital Status: Divorced

Age: 58

Hair: Grey

Type: Slender

Name: VioliaAdorno

Height: 5' 5"

City: Jersey, Virginia

Also kind of curious about trans. Naajo hairy pussy. I am a local guy born and raised on Oahu.

Marital Status: Single

Age: 60

Hair: Brown

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Name: Cespinoza76

Height: 5' 9"

City: Jersey, Georgia

I love curvy women.

Never been with a South Jersey woman before and I would like to.

Marital Status: No Strings Attached

Age: 55

Hair: Black

Type: A few extra pounds

Name: irmaGarlovsky683

Height: 5' 4"

City: Jersey, Virginia

Well, tried something new - cervix dilation. Just haven't found the right girl so I've been saving it. I'm Gia! Loving affectionate, looking for a sensitive man who crys at sad movies but likes to have sex like the energizer bunny. I want to love and be loved. Local would be great.

Marital Status: Single

Age: 53

Hair: Auburn

Type: Heavyset

Name: 0Southern_Single

Height: 5' 3"

City: Jersey, Arkansas

If you want to date me for real let me know we are all human after everyone needs love and affection or just sex from time to time. Guys playing just for laught. I love movies music reading tv and computer games. So drop me a message.

Marital Status: No Strings Attached

Age: 46

Hair: Brown

Type: Athletic

Name: Davidzdavid1993

Height: 5' 1"

City: Jersey, Arkansas

Am honest, kind caring, loving, good sense of humor, easy going, free thinker, trustworthy and respect the lives of other people.....I'm a man that is living life as it comes to me. Professional couple looking for hot open minded friends. Im a good lad who likes a laugh and a good time with someone if that is something you would like do.

Marital Status: Divorced

Age: 28

Hair: Grey

Type: Athletic

Name: Remrogue6495

Height: 5' 4"

City: Jersey, Georgia

I love to be pampered, to be given little gifts, I love superbuzz. Someone that has a high sex drive and I'm looking for someone to give an excellent massage to.
Emails from single guys South Jersey trying to cheat on their SO will be deleted. With great sense of humor.

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Not only physical, but also emotionally attached.

Marital Status: Divorced

Age: 40

Hair: Red

Type: Slender

Name: Glasgowguy616

Height: 5' 6"

City: Jersey, Arkansas

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